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Tag Archives: campaign for liberty

From the Campaign For Liberty


SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA – Campaign for Liberty applauded Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) today for the introduction of a plan to balance the budget in five years. The proposal, also backed by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), provides a comprehensive course of action to eliminate our current $1.7 trillion deficit and pay down the $14 trillion debt.

Some highlights of Senator Rand Paul’s plan are:
• Saves nearly $4 trillion over 5 years
• Reduces military funding by 6 percent
• Eliminates foreign aid
• Repeals ObamaCare tax hikes
• Restructures government to eliminate four unconstitutional or unneeded departments
• Preserves current Medicare and Social Security benefits while requiring implementation of comprehensive entitlement reform by 2016.

The proposed plan would achieve a $19 billion surplus in FY2016.

“Campaign for Liberty is proud of Rand Paul’s budget and commends his efforts,” said Campaign for Liberty President John Tate. “Where other budget plans we have seen out of Washington merely tinker around the edges without making substantial cuts, Senator Paul has produced the first serious plan to reduce government spending to proper, sustainable levels. To avoid financial collapse, Democrats and Republicans must look to this proposal as a guide for what can and must be done.”

Campaign for Liberty is a 501(c)(4) grassroots issue advocacy organization with over 600,000 members nationwide, enjoying leadership and support in all 50 states.

[from the NC Campaign For Liberty]

February 2, 2011

Dear North Carolina Friend of Liberty,

S. 510, the Food Modernization and Safety Act, uses a patchwork of rules and regulations on the food “industry” to throw America’s heartland under the government-subsidized corporatist bus as it crushes local and community producers of healthy food.

Unless something is done, I expect we will see more raids on small local food Co-ops of citizens who want Organic alternatives, like the raid in California where the FDA came into one Co-op looking for “organic milk” with their guns drawn.

Government agents kicking in the barn doors, ordering women and children to get on the floor?  Innocent Amish families being rounded up… for selling milk?

The only food is government-approved food?  Do you think some corporate lobbyists may try to get rid of competition?

Fortunately, something is being done.

Freshman NC Representative Glen Bradley is preparing to introduce the NC Farmer’s Freedom Act into the NC House of Representatives.  This bill will nullify S. 510 and interpose real legal penalties against any attempt to enforce it.

Many nullification bills being passed by state legislatures do not include interposition.  The NC Farmer’s Freedom Act does.  The bill, which you can read here, makes any  attempt to enforce S. 510 in North Carolina a Class 1A misdemeanor.

If you want to put the federal government back in its constitutional box and tell the FDA to get out of your kitchen, sign Campaign for Liberty’s petition to nullify the Food Takeover here.  Then find your NC House and Senate representation here and tell them to cosponsor the NC Farmer’s Freedom Act.

Also, call Speaker Thom Tillis at (919) 773-3451 and House Majority Leader Paul “Skip” Stam at (919) 733-2962 and tell them to bring the Farmer’s Freedom Act to the floor for a roll call vote as soon as possible.

Representative Bradley needs to introduce this bill quickly to prevent the FDA’s goons from swooping through North Carolina’s farms and Co-ops like they did in California.  Please sign our petition and contact your representatives by Friday, February 7th to ensure we build unstoppable momentum!

In Liberty,

Adam Love NC State Coordinator Campaign for Liberty http://www.campaignforliberty.com adam.love@campaignforliberty.com